5 min read

Why Functional Training is Important for Your Fitness Journey

Tanisha Sharma | Jun 21 2024
Why Functional Training is Important for Your Fitness Journey


You might be hearing the term functional training very often in the world of fitness. It may sound fancy, but it's basically getting fit for real life. You know that struggle of lugging groceries or hoisting yourself off the couch? Functional training is your superhero's origin story for everyday tasks.
Instead of just pumping iron, you'll be doing exercises that mimic your daily movements. Think squats for getting up and down easily, lunges for grocery runs, and pushes and pulls for, well, pushing and pulling things! It's all about building strength, mobility, and power that translate from the gym to your everyday life.
But the benefits go beyond the physical. Functional training can leave you feeling like a total boss – conquering that to-do list with newfound energy. Plus, there's a mental boost that comes from feeling strong and capable. It's a win for your body, mind, and soul. 

Functional training also helps in better:

  • Flexibility
  • Balance 
  • Endurance
    In recent years, people all around the world have  focused on functional exercises. The reason? Who doesn't want to be strong and flexible in everyday life? 

How Functional Training has Evolved?

Functional training has more tools now. Basics like medicine balls and dumbells are still used.  However, there are new options: 

  • Slosh Pipes, 
  • Battle Ropes, 
  • Sandbags, 
  • Kettlebells
  • Suspension Trainers
    But can it be done at home? How much time does it take to see the results? Functional exercises can easily be done at home with minimal equipment. Exercises like squats, planks, step-downs, and step-ups need to be done five to six times a week to gain optimal results. 

Benefits of Functional Training 

Functional training is all about moving your body efficiently. Instead of just working on single muscles, it focuses on multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Some functional fitness benefits are mentioned below:

1. Better movements: Functional training is synonymous with doing exercises that emulate ordinary daily movements, such as bending down, lifting from the floor, pushing, pulling, and head rotations. This helps you move better in everyday activities.
2. Improved performance: Athletes use functional training to excel in their sports. It helps them move more effectively and efficiently during competitions.
3. Toned body: By engaging multiple muscles together, you can develop a leaner and more athletic physique.
4. Enhanced coordination: These interactive exercises help maintain coordination and mobility, leading to lesser traumas of the body. 
5. Burns more calories: The extra amount of effort and muscle usemakes this form of workout more calorie-burning.   

Top 5 Functional Fitness Exercises for Beginners

Some of the functional fitness exercises for beginners are mentioned below: 
1. Squat: Squat is like sitting on a chair and then getting up. It's a must-exercise for beginners to get into functional fitness. 
2. Plank: Planking is great for mobility, balance, and strength. It requires all your muscle strength. 
3. Row: Rowing is like pulling a heavy object out of your trunk, and it's great for your back and arms. 
4. Single-leg lift: The single-leg lift is all about boosting your balance, which can make everyday activities like walking easier and help prevent falls. 
5. Downward-facing dog: The downward-facing dog yoga pose is fantastic for building strength to support your body weight. 

Functional Fitness Equipment You Can Start With 
If you are thinking that you need thousands of gym equipment to start functional training that's not the case. You can start with simple yet best functional fitness equipment. Here are some of the fun beginner tools you can try. 
   1. Jump rope
   2. Elastic bands
   3. Pull-up bar 
   4. Dumbbells 

Functional Fitness Training Programs by MultiFit 

MultiFit provides a full-fledged Functional Fitness Training Program aimed at generating all-round strength, suppleness, movability, and flexibility. Such programs custom-fit people of all levels, from beginners to Olympic athletes. 
1. Movement Checkup: Before starting, we check how well you move to see what needs improvement.
2. Tailored Exercises: Your trainer makes a special plan based on what we found, with exercises like squats, lunges, pushing, pulling, and turning.
3. Equipment Options: We have lots of tools to help, like bands, weights, balls, and more, for a great workout.
4. Expert Guidance: Seasoned trainers are in place to guide participants with appropriate form, technique, and progression to facilitate safe and successful workouts.
5. Progress Tracking: Continual evaluations and progress tracking let you follow the gains in strength, flexibility, and fitness level all around.
6. Group Classes and Individual Training: MultiFit provides both group functional fitness training programs, creating a vibrant workout atmosphere, and private fitness coaching sessions centered on individual planning and goal setting.
7. Nutritional Guidance: Alongside exercise workouts, MultiFit also provides nutritional guides that support individual health and fitness goals.


At MultiFit, we provide a complete fitness solution with a combination of functional training, skilled coaching, and personalized programs. MultiFit features cutting-edge equipment and knowledgeable trainers and thus helps people succeed with their fitness objectives.
Join MultiFit now, and you will see a real difference in your fitness journey!

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What is functional training, and why is it important?
Functional fitness training programs include exercises that imitate daily movements, like bending and lifting, and they are crucial because they help you do everyday tasks more effortlessly.

2. Are functional training and HIIT the same? 
High-intensity interval Training (HIIT) is characterized by short bursts of intense activity followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise for recovery. Functional Training, on the other hand, involves constantly varied functional exercises and different activity durations. The focus of functional training is on performing functional movements that mimic everyday tasks, with the intensity and duration of the exercises varying to keep the body challenged.