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Top 7 Back Exercises For Gym To Relieve Muscle Tension

Abhishek Bhadauria | Aug 21 2024
Top 7 Back Exercises For Gym To Relieve Muscle Tension

It’s important to build endurance so you get a stronger core and don’t injure yourself while trying to lift more weight. One way to do so is to try out solid back exercises for gym that can not only help you become more flexible but help relieve muscle tension at the same time. In this article, we’ll talk more about back exercises in the gym to help relieve back pain and backaches. Let’s go!

Back Exercises For Gym To Relieve Muscle Tension | Stretches For Tight Lower Back

Many people suffer from back pain every day and the number is increasing by the day. And if you go to the gym regularly or have just started, you might suffer from some pain in your back. That’s why it’s important to know what back exercises for gym to do if your back hurts. Doing back exercises in the gym makes sure you work your back and work towards recovery at the same time.
Let’s take a look at the top 7 gym exercises for back with the number of sets and reps and the equipment you need: 


Exercises Sets Reps Equipment
Back Extension With Exercise Ball  1-2 8-12 Exercise Ball 
Resistance Band Pull-Apart 1-3 8-12 Resistance Band 
Hamstring Stretches  1-5 3 Resistance Band 
Wide Dumbbell Bent-Over Row  1-2 8-12 Dumbbells
Chest-Supported Row  1-3 8-12 Bench, Weights
Renegade Row 1-3 20 Weights
Barbell Deadlift  1-3 8-12 Barbell

1. Back Extension With an Exercise Ball

Doing the back extension with an exercise ball is one of the easiest exercises for beginners to do, especially if they’re facing lower back pain.
How to do Back Extension With an Exercise Ball:
1. Lie on an exercise ball, facedown, with your abdomen on the the ball.
2. You can put your feet up against a wall if you want more support
3. Extend your arms.
4. Slowly raise your upper body and arms upward until your shoulders are above your hip height.
5. Stop for a while at the top and then very slowly drop your hands and body to the original position.
6. Repeat

2. Resistance Band Pull-Apart

Resistance band pull-apart is a great simple exercise for people who want to fix backaches but don’t want to “workout.” This is one of the simplest back exercises for gym that you just need a resistance band for.
How to do Resistance Band Pull-Apart:
1. Hold a resistance band taut in front of you and extend both your hands so the band is parallel to the ground.
2. Keep your arms straight at the elbows.
3. Move your arms out to the sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you go.
4. Very slowly return to the starting position.
5. Repeat

3. Hamstring Stretches

Hamstring stretches are one of the top gym exercises for back that work on the back as well as the hip. These can help with everyday tasks and increase flexibility.
How to do Hamstring Stretches:
1. Lay on your back
2. Keep one leg bent and one leg in the air
3. Have a stretch band or resistance band around your foot.
4. Hold for 30 seconds

4. Wide Dumbbell Bent-Over Row

If you’re looking for back exercises in the gym that can help you with an increased range of motion, the wide dumbbell bent-over row is the one for you. Choose a 4 kg weight and do the rows with them (recommended.)
How to do a Wide Dumbbell Bent-Over Row:
1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your thighs.
2. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
3. Slightly bend your knees and keep your neck neutral
4. Hinge at the hips so that your torso forms a 45-degree angle with the floor.
5. Allow the dumbbells to hang to the ground in front of you.
6. Begin rowing motions with your elbows, pulling them up toward your shoulders.
7. Return to the starting position
8. Repeat.

5. Chest-Supported Row

How to do a Chest-Supported Row:
1. Position an adjustable exercise bench at an angle of 45 degrees.
2. Hold a dumbbell in both your hands and sit on the bench with your chest facing the backrest.
3. Gradually lean forward until your chest touches the backrest.
4. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, extend your elbows, and let your arms hang down. (starting position.)
5. Simultaneously, squeeze your shoulder blades and bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells toward your rib cage.
6. At last, bring the dumbbells back to the original starting position slowly.

6. Renegade

Row Renegade rows are back exercises for gym that are more advanced than the average exercise or stretch and need a little more strength to do. That said, this exercise is a core workout that works especially on your upper back.
How to do Renegade Rows:
1. Get yourself into a high plank position with each of your hands holding a dumbbell.
2. Your body should form a taut straight line from your head to your toes.
3. Do a rowing motion with your left arm (pull your elbow toward the sky, then return the dumbbell to the floor.)
4. Repeat with your right arm.
5. Alternate and repeat.

7. Barbell Deadlift

In the barbell deadlift, your back is flat throughout the movement, which helps put positive pressure on it. Remember these points: Deadlifts offer several advantages, such as building strength and increasing definition in the upper and lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.
How to do a Barbell Deadlift:
1. Stand behind a barbell with your feet planted to the floor, shoulder-width apart.
2. Bend your body at the hips and then slowly bend your knees.
3. Reach down to pick up the barbell.
4. Keep your back straight and grab the bar with both palms facing you.
5. Now push yourself back up into a standing position.
6. Keep your back straight throughout the movement
7. Return to the starting position and bring the barbell back toward the floor.
8. Repeat


So adding effective back exercises to your gym routine is important for relieving muscle tension and enhancing overall strength. Make sure to include these top seven back exercises in your gym routine: Back Extension with an Exercise Ball, Barbell Deadlift, Resistance Band Pull-Apart, hamstring Stretches, Wide Dumbbell Bent-Over Row, Chest-Supported Row, and Renegade Rows. These exercises help relieve back pain, build endurance, and prevent injuries, leading to a healthier, tougher back. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, these exercises are designed to support a healthier, more resilient back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which Gym Machine Is Good For Back Pain?
Elliptical Trainers, Steppers or Stair Climbers, an adjustable exercise bench, and Stationary Exercise Bikes are great for people with back pains.

Q2. What Muscles Should I Workout For Back Pain?
Some exercises that are good at targeting your core muscles and lower back could help support and strengthen your lower back if you have back pain. These back exercises can include hamstring stretches and resistance band pull-apart.

Q3. Can Exercise Reduce Back Pain?
Most exercises when done well will help relieve back pain and in most cases, doing exercise regularly can cut the frequency of persistent back pain attacks by almost half.