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How to Do Shoulder Taps: Benefits, Variations, and More

Abhishek Bhadauria | Jan 9 2025
How to Do Shoulder Taps: Benefits, Variations, and More

How to Do Shoulder Taps: Benefits, Variations, and More

Shoulder taps are an impactful exercise for your shoulders.

It’s a fun variation of plank exercise. You basically improve your muscle strength and flexibility.

In this article, we'll go through what shoulder taps are, shoulder taps benefits, and the effect the exercise gives, and a step-by-step guide on how to do shoulder taps. 

What are Shoulder Taps?

They are also known as shoulder touch or shoulder press. This exercise requires you to touch/tap your shoulders with your hand.

You will most likely encounter this exercise in yoga, pilates, or weight training to increase shoulder mobility, strength, and flexibility. 

How to Do Shoulder Taps?

how to do shoulder taps

1. Stand or sit with arms at your side. 

2. Raise arms out to the side, keeping them straight until shoulder height. 

3. Tap shoulders with hands, keeping arms straight. 

4. Return arms back down to starting position. 

5. Repeat 12-15 reps, aiming for 3-4 sets. 

Shoulder Taps Benefits

Here, we’ll discuss the different benefits of shoulder taps.

- Improved shoulder mobility and flexibility

- Enhanced athletic performance, particularly in sports that involve throwing, lifting, or overhead movements

- Reduced risk of shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff strains or tears

- The whole body is being utilized, so you build endurance and strength. 

Variations of Shoulder Taps

1. Tabletop shoulder taps: Tabletop shoulder taps are an easier variation of shoulder taps. With tabletop shoulder taps, you do the shoulder taps but in a tabletop position instead of plank position. 

2. Bear crawl shoulder taps: Bear crawl shoulder taps are a tougher variation of the tabletop shoulder taps. With bear crawl shoulder taps, you get into tabletop position and keep your knees off the ground for the entire duration of the shoulder taps exercise. It's also known as panther shoulder tap. 

3. Elevated shoulder taps: A tough version of shoulder taps. With elevated shoulder taps, you put your feet on a box to elevate your body and perform the shoulder taps in a plank position. 

Are Shoulder Taps Effective?

Are shoulder taps effective?

Yes, this exercise increases shoulder strength, shoulder range of motion, and shoulder flexibility.

Incorporating shoulder taps into your exercise routine will enhance athletic performance, reduce the risk of shoulder injuries, and promote shoulder health. 

What Muscles Do Shoulder Taps Work?

You're engaging your shoulder muscles—the deltoids, trapezius, and the rotator cuff muscles.

These shoulder muscle groups work together for optimal mobility and function of the shoulder joint. By doing this move, you're stimulating and strengthening the muscles for proper use and sustainability.


Shoulder taps is a fun yet challenging exercise which you can add to workout plans.

You would not be needing any equipment, so it’s simple to do.

By learning the muscle groups involved and the efficiency of this exercise, you can improve your shoulders. So why not try out shoulder taps then?


Q: Can I do shoulder taps with weights?

A: Yes, you can do the exercise, like with dumbbells or resistance bands. But, start with light weights and slowly increase the weight you take when you build strength and endurance.

Q: Are shoulder taps suitable for beginners?

A: Beginners can also do shoulder taps too. They are simple to do and you can perform it anywhere. It can also be adjusted to the individual’s fitness level.

Q: Can shoulder taps help improve posture?

A: Yes, shoulder taps are effective in enhancing good posture since it works on the muscles around the shoulders as well as improves the range of motion of the shoulders.